Bibliomaniac by Robin Ince

5 out of 5 stars

Those who follow me on the various social media networks out there will know that I buy a lot of books. Far more than I can realistically read, but they make me happy and as far as I see it, a home without books is just a house…

Robin Ince also buys a lot of books. Like hundreds of them a year. He will trawl charity and second-hand bookshops looking for anything that piques his interest. If he likes the look of it, he buys it. Knowing what my house looks like, I do wonder just what his house looks like…

This wonderful book is the account of his travels around the independent bookshops of the UK promoting one of his books and a record of the books that he finds and brings home on his tour. He reads far more fiction than I do, but he has a similar principle, if it looks interesting then he will buy it. I do this with non-fiction books…

I am a bibliomaniac.
There is no cure and I am not seeking one.

Whilst we have similar philosophies on books, I don’t think that I have ADHD like he does, but I do think that I have autistic traits hence why I can see the parallels that I have with him. He is a big fan of independent bookshops which will become very evident if you read this book, and I am too. They offer an alternative curated selection of books that reflects the interest of the bookseller, rather than me feeling that I on the receiving end of a corporate marketing machine. If you have read White Spines by Nicholas Royle, then this is a must-read for you.

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  1. Zounds! You’re forcing me to add yet another book to my wishlist! Given Robin Ince regularly shares a stage with Brian Cox on the Infinite Monkey Cage, I expect this book-obsessed books to be a cut above in terms of wit and intelligence.

    • Paul

      My aim is to make other people’s TBRs as long as mine. It is brilliant, hence why it was my book of the year for 2023

  2. Liz Dexter

    I loved this, as you already know, and really enjoyed the event he did hosted by our local bookshop. How many of the shops in it did you know? I found fewer than I thought, but some lovely favourites.

    • Paul

      I would love to meet hime one day he is such a fascinating and generous man

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