3 out of 5 stars

A copy of this was provided free of charge from the publisher in return for an honest review.

Over the course of four years, Alastair Humphreys cycled around the world. He has pedalled across five continents and ended up covering over 46,000 miles. There was no charity link, he did this because he wanted to and because he could. The account of his journey is covered in two books, Moods of Future Joys and Thunder and Sunshine. Not only did he propel himself around the world, but along the way, he spent time talking to people about what inspired him to make this epic journey as well as trying to answer the thousands of questions that were sent into his website.

The prose in this book is fairly sparse, there are excerpts from his world adventure and a series of inspirational statements all overlaid over some truly stunning photos and it is littered with Alastair on his travels too. It is short and to the point and has some important lessons for those contemplating where to go next in their lives.

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