Review: The Snooty Bookshop by Tom Gauld

4 out of 5 stars

A copy of this was provided free of charge from the publisher in return for an honest review.

For those of you who have not come across Tom Gauld before, you are in for a treat with this collection of literary-themed postcard set. In here are 50 of some of his funniest bookish cartoons written with his very distinctive artworks and deadpan humour. To give you a flavour of the quality of his work, have a look at his website and

I do have a couple of favourites in here, one of which is a guy looking for his kindle, the other is how a book lover packs for their holiday.

I have been a fan of Tom Gauld for a while now, cutting out his cartoons from the Guardian Reviews and keeping them so to have some of the best in one collection is great. There is only one problem with this though; it is a book that you will need to buy two of. One to keep and one to send the fantastic postcards from to other book-loving friends. I won’t be passing any from this copy on, but some may be getting it as presents.

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  1. Liz Dexter

    I just popped through for a look and these are great. I think you’re right there: one to keep and one to send to people!

    • admin

      He is such a good cartoonist

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