I am more than happy to accept ARCs in book or electronic form from publishers or authors provided that you have been in contact prior to sending a copy. I read fairly widely, in particular preferring most non-fiction, science fiction, some fantasy, general and contemporary fiction. I read very little crime and thrillers and will not read horror, misery memoirs or chick lit. Unsolicited books that I am not interested in, stand a high chance of not getting read.
When asking me to review a particular book, please include:
The title
The synopsis or blurb
Cover image
Publication date
How you discovered my blog
Unless I personally know the author, I will not accept self-published books.
I will provide publicity about receiving the book on my blog and Twitter. I will mention books that I have received in the various book groups that I am a member of on Good Reads and Facebook.
I will read the book and provide an honest review after I have completed the book, but just because you have been kind enough to provide a free book does not mean that I will compliment the book, instead I will judge it and review it on its merits pointing out aspects where I did and didn’t like the book. If I really do not like the book I may contact you to explain why and may not review
Reviews will be posted on my blog, Good Reads and Twitter, and there is a high possibility that if it is new that I can submit it to the Nudge website for inclusion on there.
Any book that I have requested and received, I will read. If you have a particular date that I have to read the book for, i.e. it is part of a blog tour, then please let me know in the initial correspondence, otherwise, I will read them in order of publication. Unsolicited books that I am interested in reading will be fitted in as and when I can.
Please remember that I am doing this because of my love of reading, it is not my main job. I have a busy life with a family and sometimes things cannot fit in.
To contact me, email reviews (at) halfmanhalfbook.co.uk
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