Nature’s Wonders by Jane Adams

3.5 out of 5 stars

The publisher provided a copy of this, free of charge, in return for an honest review.

For too long we have cast aside nature, beating it into submission or just obliterating it, but the tide is turning and people are seeing that we cannot carry on like this forever as we will be deeply affected too. We are intrinsically linked to the natural world, after all, we are all part of the same ecosystem.

But where to begin? If you have been in a bookshop recently, you’ll have noticed that the range of nature books has grown exponentially over the past decade. This has been ably assisted by the Wainwright Prize. People became more aware of nature during the pandemic when they could head out on their sanctioned exercise and the sensory stimulation did them the world of good.

Nature’s Wonders is an introduction to the wonders that you can discover if you feel so inclined. The book is split into seasons and in each, Adams has selected various things to look out for in each. Some of these items are easier to find than others! So in spring, there are essays on bluebells, black caps and brimstone butterflies. In summer she suggests, chafers, foxgloves and taking the time to smell the scent of summer.

Autumn brings dramatic changes to the landscape and the essays include listening to the deer rut, the sound of the crickets in meadows and spotting the winter migrants such as fieldfares. Winter is the time for frosts and long shadows, but if you know where to look the last of winter brings out the celandines.

I really liked this book. If you are expecting in-depth guides on each of the fifty subjects that are written about in this book, then this is the wrong book to start with. Rather, it has been written to inspire people who are not sure about the natural world to take the time to go and find the things written about within and hopefully use it as a stepping stone to your own discoveries.

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  1. Liz Dexter

    That sounds like a lovely one and there are so many nature books by experts out now it’s good to have simpler ways into nature spotting as well.

    • Paul

      It is, Liz. Lovely photos in it too. I first met her at the travel writing awards, where we discovered that Jane lives very close to me.

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