Favourite Book Covers of 2021

These are my favourite covers of the books that I have read over the course of 2021. They are in no particular order, but the one at the bottom is my cover of the year. The way I see it, the cover of the book has one job only and that is to be catching or attractive enough to make me want to pause, pick them up and then make me want to read it. In my opinion, all of these covers do that.














And my book cover of the year is:




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  1. N@ncy

    Bookcovers….some are just works of art!
    Fascinating reading suggestions in this post.
    Once I read ALL my book bought in 2015…I’ll cheat and
    add a few of your reads to my TBR.
    Great post…and love the folklore tips! Vikings…didn’t they colonize Ireland? Hmm… King Olaf of Dublin in a new light!

    • Paul

      There are some beautiful covers on books nowadays. I have such a backlog of books to get through!

  2. Liz Dexter

    All very fine book covers indeed!

    • Paul

      Aren’t they

  3. Marcene

    I love to see the covers. I’ve been known to pick up a book just because of the cover. Thanks for all your blogs.

    • Paul

      I have too, Marcene. I have found some great books that way. Thank you for stopping by too

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