Who will win the Wainwright Prize?

Tomorrow is the prize giving for the Wainwright Prize. I had an invite to attend but sadly I am not going to be able to make it.

I have read all the books on the shortlist,  but not totally sure who is going to win. My money is on Landmarks by Robert Macfarlane, but A Shepherd’s Life is going to give it a run too.

The Wainwright Prize 2016 shortlist revealed

What do you think?

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  1. Anonymous

    I just finished A Shepherd's Life was swept away. Rebanks has an intriguing style. The natural elements play havoc on the sheep and Rebanks described his 'personal weather'…the highs and lows that swept through his life. It is an excellent choice for Wainwright Prize 2106!

  2. Anonymous

    Correction: excellent choice for shortlist Wainwright Prize 2016 !

  3. Paul Cheney

    You should read landmarks too

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