Just before the end of each year, I set my intentions (here) on what I want to read and any other book-focused ideas that I want to do for the next coming year. We have just passed a quarter of the way through the year so I thought that I would do a little update. It was also prompted by Rebecca’s post here as she updated us on hers.
I am posting this today as it is my Blog Birthday! It has been running since 9th April 2016!
Still blogging and trying to post three times a week at the moment. Minor hiccup the other day when the blog was down for the weekend, and given the response I had from the technical help I will probably migrate away next year
Review Books
I have read 21 review books so far this year and still have four to write reviews for!
My Own Books
I have only read seven of my own books this year, most photo books that I have kept…
Library Books
I have read 26 library books this year and got my total down to 44. Still keep reserving them though…
Reading Plans
Female Authors
I have read 19 female authors so far this year and that equates to 35% of the total.
BAME Authors
I have already reached nine BAME authors! Should achieve my target of twelve by June at this rate.
Science Fiction & Fantasy
Have read six SF/F so far this year with a small pile from the library and a number of review copies this is well on target.
Have read six fiction so far this year with a small pile from the library and a large number of books that I have bought, this is well on target.
I have read seven poetry books this year, helped by the Rathbones prize as they had the whole lot in Poole library
Have read one per month so far. Have managed to pass two on too.
Literary Awards
I have read all of the poetry from the Rathbones prize and a few from the Stanfords, but still have three left to go for the 2023 shortlist, two of which I haven’t got yet.
The World From My Armchair Challenge
I have only read one towards this challenge so far, and I still have some amendments to do to my list and I still haven’t written my blog post about it either… Not going well.
Nature Challenge
I have read five out of the twenty-four books in this challenge to date. Really need to read three this month to get on target though!
20 Books of Summer
As I am writing this it is pissing with rain. Not summer yet.
Other Bookish Stuff
Cataloguing Books
Nope. Not started. Have decided to do it on a spreadsheet though as that is my preferred way of managing it.
I actually wrote a blog post on how I organise my spreadsheets! It is here. Let me know if you’d like a copy of the template and an example of them, let me know. I am just thinking about the changes that I want to make and other ways to improve them.
I have bought more books. On Tsunduko now covers the front of one bookshelf…
Happy blogiversary! And you’re doing well! I have allowed Tsunduko to take hold over one shelf of my TBR shelf, which is a dangerous position to be in, esp as it is hiding some candidates for my “read the hardback before the paperback comes out” intention for this year!
Thank you, Liz. I can’t believe that it is that long! I have Tsunduko everywhere! I have just read a review copy this weekend that the paperback is now almost out.