The World From My Armchair Challenge

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  1. Anonymous

    I am definitely going to join you in this challenge! I love to travel….but hate to leave home. This will be my golden opportunity. I read one travel book in 2013 and it was the best book I read in years…still is. (See blogplost dd 18 Dec 2013 on my blog) 'On the Trails of Genghis Khan by Australian Time Cope. I will start gathering some book titles and have looked at a few of your past reviews. BTW how many countries are there in the world? Looking forward to this, thanks for the great idea!

  2. Anonymous

    I want to post this challenge on my blog….but we need a #hashtag for twitter about the challenge! What do you suggest?

  3. Unknown

    you going to be posting the books you've read? then are you going to write a book about the challenge and the books you read?


  4. Paul Cheney

    Every book linked to this will be posted about Jason. Not sure I am capable enough to write a book though.

  5. Paul Cheney

    The link to my list is at the bottom of the post

  6. Paul Cheney

    Not sure; I'll have a think about it

  7. Bev Hankins

    Hi, Paul. I found you through ipsofactodotme's post about the challenge. One question: I've been doing an "Travel the World Challenge" would it be okay to incorporate those books into this one and just start from where I still need to go?

  8. Jason Denness

    Thanks for the list, have taken a copy to do this at a slower pace.

  9. Paul Cheney

    Feel free to borrow as many of the titles that you wish too. There will not be any fiction in the list though. Thanks for the link on your blog too. I see we have two mutual friends on good reads

  10. Paul Cheney

    I am not going to rush it J.

  11. Bev Hankins

    Thanks, Paul. But we can count fiction?

  12. Paul Cheney

    My challenge is to read travel and non fiction.

  13. Bev Hankins

    Okay…will adjust and see what I can do.

  14. Jason Denness

    wow, non-fiction only, even more of a challenge.

  15. Anonymous

    Thank you so much for the excel sheet with lands and oceans. I made a copy to track my reading. I will following your progress. The hardest thing so far is to find a travel book about my 'adopted' country The Netherlands!

  16. Paul Cheney

    I was going for this:

  17. Anonymous

    Perfect! I live in Friesland, The Netherlands….very, very close to Jorwerd! I can bike to the village in 20 min! I have been looking at some of you 'libray hauls' …and pre-ordered 'Snow' by Marcus Sedgwick (New Toller Books)…just to get into the 'winter mood' !

  18. Paul Cheney

    Snow is a beautiful book

  19. Brona Joy

    I'm in – I love a good long-term project 🙂

  20. Paul Cheney

    Welcome Bona. I am going to need some more chairs

  21. Anonymous

    This challenge is going 'worldwide!'

  22. Paul Cheney

    It seems that way

  23. booker talk

    I tried doing a version of this but set myself the even harder challenge of reading an author from the country, rather than writing about the country. The problem is the absence of books from certain countries – I’ll be looking at your list to see if you have solved my problem for places like Sao Tombe (!). Though I’ve mainly read fiction if I can’t get a novel/short story I’ll be happy to read non fiction

    • admin

      I haven’t got a book for Sao Tombe yet and I am missing about a dozen or so others. Will be doing an update for them in July at some point.

  24. NancyElin

    I’m still working on this wonderful challange,
    This week I’m discovering the ‘puzzle of Polynesia” !

    • admin

      Glad to hear it. I a steadily working my way through it too. I am in no rush to finish as some of the fun is finding the books. Haven’t read that one, though it looks really good.

      • NancyElin

        The book is 2019 winner NSW History Award (Australia) for general history:
        “Sea People” by Christina Thompson. i knew nothing about James Cook’s 3 journeys in Polynesia…and all the research done to find out where did the Polynesians come from? I still have many books on #WorldFromMyArmchair TBR !

        • admin

          The author follows me on Twitter, just not got my hands on a copy. I have a book called Outcasts of the Islands that you might like too

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